Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Evil Baking Bug

Oh, I am so very, very wicked! All I want to do lately is bake. It's not necessarily that I wanted to have baked goods even. I just enjoy the process. (Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the end result as well!) The baking bug bit me today, so I decided to make gingersnaps. I enjoyed making them, and I enjoyed eating a couple of them. Trouble is, now I have about 50 some gingersnaps sitting on the counter! What am I going to do with all those cookies? Anyone want to come over and help me get rid of them? ;) Now that I have finished the gingersnaps, I find that the baking bug is still biting. Visions of pumpkin swirl cheesecake and pumpkin whoopee pies are dancing in my head! I think it is partly because I don't have much else to do with myself right now, but I think it also has something to do with that fact that we are getting close to fall. Of course, here in south Florida you would never know that fall was on it's way, but hey, a girl can pretend, right?


Anonymous said...

Uh I've never heard of gingersnaps. Do you have pics of it? Or maybe I should just take the next flight to Florida... haha
Still warm here but when it's fall I wish I would like to be in Florida and have warm weather. I hate fall and winter...
The only good thing in winter are the christmas-cookies *yum* but bad when you eat to much like I do ;)

miss you *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Having the cooking bug is great!! Do we get pictures? And maybe a recipe for those of us living on other parts of the planet? Cooking is an essential skill.. and enjoying the skill is always a benefit. I love baking too.. can't wait for my cooking stuff to arrive so I can use a kitchen again. But again.. pictures.. I'd love to see some.

Although what is this fascination with pumpkin? I'll never understand it. ;)

*hugs atcha*

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