Friday, August 9, 2013

Writing Prompt #3 - Oldest Thing

In the world of writing prompts, here is number three:

What is the oldest piece of clothing in your closet that you still wear?

Escuze me while I go take a picture.  BRB.  

Ok, so we moved to Florida in 1991.  I was 8, almost 9.  My family was in Michigan.  My friends were in Michigan.  My whole world was in Michigan.  It took a long time before Florida became my home.  I was attached to my roots.  Every summer we would go up there and I would jump in and be right at home.  I was way more involved in my church there than in the one I attended down here.  Even in my early teens, my youth group was at my Michigan church.  That was where I belonged.  That was where my heart was.

During the summer, I would go to camp with my Michigan Youth group.  People, seriously, I went to the bestest, awesomest church camp EVER.  Fa Ho Lo (stands for Faith Hope Love) rocked.  I believe the summer I got this shirt was the summer between 9th and 10th grade, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.  The theme for the year was Fa Ho Lo High.  I have no idea what they did with that theme.  There was always a theme.  One year we were all countries. My group's country was China and we made this crazy song  based on the "We are Siamese" tune from Lady and the Tramp, except it was "We are Chi-a-nese."  Once we were the Yaks and we made up a song based on the Anamaniacs cartoon theme.  Anyway, this particular summer we were Fa Ho Lo High.  I got this tee to remember my week.
 I had everyone sign it.   The signatures have mostly faded over the years, but you can see little hints of them still.  Looks like this one says "Andrea." Very likely, this lovely lady. Must have been before she started going by "Andi." (Sorry, girl, but you are totally still Andrea to me...that or Homey;) )

I would say the shirt has been well loved.  I still sleep in it often.  It is full of holes and WAY too big for me, but it's comfy and perfectly worn in.  It should be after somewhere around 15 years!  :)
I think I'll get in it right now!

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